FLARE Application Documentation

1. Sign Up for a New Account

2. Sign In

3. Add a New Inbox

  • Navigate to the https://flare.flatlogic.app/inboxes/inboxes-list/.
  • Click on the "Add New Inbox" button.
  • Select "Assign with Google Mail" to start the OAuth consent process.
  • Follow the prompts to complete the OAuth consent process.
  • After successful authentication, you will see the newly created inbox in the sidebar inboxes dropdown menu.

4. Add a Scenario

  • From the sidebar inboxes dropdown menu, select the newly created inbox.
  • Go to the "Scenarios" section and click on "Add Scenario".
  • In the "Classification Instructions" input, describe how the unread emails from your Gmail account should be categorized. (Example: "Email with math equation" or "Subject of email is Math").
  • In the "Response Instructions" input, describe how the AI should respond to that email. (Example: "Solve math equation").
  • Enable "Autorespond" to allow the inbox to be processed every 3 hours automatically.

5. Use Templates for Responses

In the "Template" field, you can set up templates to customize the AI's response style in each scenario. Templates allow you to format responses by either including AI-generated content or sending a pre-defined message.

  • To include AI-generated responses: Insert {{content}} in the template to indicate where the AI-generated answer should appear in the message. The system will replace {{content}} with the AI's response, letting you add introductory or closing text around the AI content.
  • To send a pre-set response without AI generation: If you want a fixed message to be sent automatically without any AI-generated text, create a template without {{content}}. In this case, the exact text in the template will be used as the response, bypassing AI generation.

How to add a template to a scenario:

  1. When creating or editing a scenario, select a template from the "Template" dropdown.
  2. Use {{content}} if the scenario requires the AI-generated response within the template.
  3. Leave out {{content}} if a fixed, pre-written response should be sent instead.

6. Process Emails

  • Go to the page of your inbox from the sidebar dropdown menu and select "View Inbox".
  • Click the "Process Emails" button.
  • The AI will go through the last unread messages from your Gmail, categorize them based on the scenario you created, and reply to them according to the response instructions.
  • The AI will process the last 50 unread messages (we are in testing phase right now).
  • Unread emails are automatically checked and processed every three hours.

7. View Processed Messages

  • Navigate to the "Threads" page.
  • Here, you can see all messages that were categorized by the scenario.
  • Also check your inbox.